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University of Bern and Inselspital open the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Life sciences

17 November 2020

The University of Bern and the Inselspital are founding a “Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” (CAIM) that combines cutting-edge research, engineering, digitalization and artificial intelligence to develop new medical technologies. Currently, healthcare systems generate more digital data than medical professionals can evaluate. However, using artificial intelligence (AI) based clinical tools, key characteristics can be […]

The University of Bern and the Inselspital are founding a “Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” (CAIM) that combines cutting-edge research, engineering, digitalization and artificial intelligence to develop new medical technologies.

Currently, healthcare systems generate more digital data than medical professionals can evaluate. However, using artificial intelligence (AI) based clinical tools, key characteristics can be identified rapidly from a vast amount of data, assisting doctors, nurses and other medical staff in making more accurate diagnoses and better treatment decisions.

In response to the growing need for AI based clinical tools and to give the canton of Bern’s medical hub the edge for the future of digital medicine, the University of Bern and the Inselspital are founding the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. CAIM is a new platform in the field of artificial intelligence in medicine that will drive AI focused research, teaching and translational research.

It will be inaugurated in January 2021 as a Center of the University of Bern’s medical faculty and the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, with the University Psychiatry Services (UPD) and the Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine, sitem-insel, as partners.

Another important flagship for Bern as a center for excellence in medicine

CAIM will expand the capabilities of precision medicine in Bern, already at the forefront with the Bern Center for Precision Medicine.

Member of the governing council and Director of Economic Affairs, Energy and Environment of the Canton of Bern, Christoph Ammann, says: “The Bern medical hub is based on a strong university and a highly innovative university hospital. Bern is now also taking a leading position in artificial intelligence. This will strengthen the canton of Bern as a business location and create added value.”