A label to develop a sustainable and net-zero emissions commodity industry launched in Geneva
16 February 2021

Climate Neutral Commodity is a Swiss initiative supporting the global commodity industry in its transition to carbon-neutrality. It is an independent one-stop solution to measure, offset carbon footprint of commodity transactions, and issue a new label through an independent third-party audited process.
The commodity industry is facing inevitable pressures from new environmental regulations and stakeholders to address its carbon impact and climate change. In addition, many companies are already committed to meeting carbon neutral targets.
In this context, the Geneva-based Climate Neutral Commodity (CNC) initiative was founded by professionals in the global commodity trading hub with the help of Commodity Trading Advisory.
CNC is a unique business-led initiative that helps the commodity industry to reach net-zero emissions targets, and addresses climate change. It measures and offsets the carbon footprint of each commodity transaction and issues a new independent and audited label: Climate Neutral Commodity.
Supported by a world-class Advisory Board of senior professionals and experts from the commodity, finance, sustainability, auditing, certification and inspection industry, CNC offers a highly effective one-stop solution to the commodity markets with a credible label based on an independent third party audited process.
Climate Neutral Commodity’s objective is to help all commodity stakeholders respond to the growing demand for sustainable supply-chains and development strategies complying with new environmental regulations.
The initiative supports long-term reduction plans and prioritizes insetting solutions to help the industry meet its climate neutrality targets in accordance with the Paris agreement.