Bloom Biorenewables to disrupt the future of packaging
6 December 2022

Bloom Biorenewables is among the first recipients of Amcor’s Lift-Off seed funding initiative, which supports state-of-the-art technologies that will further advance Amcor’s initiatives to make the future of packaging more sustainable.
Bloom Biorenewables (Bloom) is a Fribourg-based chemical and biomaterials start-up which converts plant waste into chemicals used in packaging. Amcor, a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, has selected Bloom Biorenewables and Belgian start-up Nfinite for its LiftOff Program designed to “drive the revolution in packaging”.
Bloom’s technology responds to two acute needs of the chemical and packaging industry: the sourcing of renewable carbon for packaging made from biomaterials and circular end-of-life solutions for such packaging. The start-up has developed a new type of polyester made from plants. The properties of this new biomaterial match both the mechanical and functional requirements needed for quality packaging and provide a more sustainable end-of-life solution, being both recyclable and biodegradable.
The LiftOff program will start with a USD 250,000 investment in the form of a convertible loan, which allows the teams from both parties to evaluate possible synergies. The next step for Bloom will be to enter into a formalized LiftOff agreement which, based on this first exploratory phase, will allow the start-up to co-develop sustainable and low-carbon packaging over the next 2 years and which will give Bloom access to Amcor’s best-in-class research and development resources.
Breaking boundaries and disrupting the packaging industry
“Amcor is continuously reimagining what is possible for packaging and our aim is to drive sustainability through unrelenting innovation. These initial investments are just the start, as Amcor will continue to invest in market disruptors and ways to elevate expectations for our industry”, said Frank Lehmann, Vice President, Corporate Venturing and Open Innovation at Amcor. “We’ve been very impressed with what Bloom and Nfinite Nanotechnology have to offer, having risen to the top of a highly competitive field to become the first recipients of Amcor Lift-Off funding. Both start-ups are rooted in a culture of innovation and creativity, looking to break boundaries and disrupt the packaging industry as we know it. Going beyond traditional borders and uncovering the best and brightest ideas from across the globe will enable Amcor to take innovative leaps for the industry and environment.”