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Tech Tour Health 2022

Life sciences

22 April 2022

The Tech Tour Health Programme will take place on 21-22 June 2022 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

With 13 years of history, the Tech Tour Health Programme is focused on helping innovative health companies exchange contacts and secure growth and investments by working together with peers, experts and active investors.

The Tech Tour Health Programme is returning to Lausanne, Switzerland for a 2-day live event at the end of June providing networking opportunities with the most active investors, experts, corporates and fellow entrepreneurs in the Digital Health and Medtech sectors.

The Selection Panel members will evaluate the applying companies and select the top 40 to pitch in front of the investors, one of which could be you!

How can I join?

You need to register on the Tech Tour website, submit your online application and an up-to-date presentation, and be chosen by a Selection Panel of active investors.

Registration is open until 2 May 2022! Apply here.

Is this for you?

You are a startup looking for series A, series B, and later-stage investments, and focusing on the following sub-sectors:

  • Digital Health: Digital Therapeutics, Life Sciences IT, Healthcare IT, Genomics & Sequencing, Wearables/Biosensing, Telemedicine, Population Health, Big Data/Analytics
  • Medtech: Diagnostics, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Dental, Drug Delivery Devices​, Robotics, Artificial Organ & Assist Devices

Participation is free of charge (your application will be reviewed by the Selection Panel). All selected companies will have the unique chance to take a step further into expanding and advancing their businesses, as well as building vital connections with attending industry VIPs, investors and corporates.

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