H55 will provide its battery technology to the world’s first certified all electric commercial airplane
26 April 2021

The largest seaplane airline operator, the global leader in electric propulsion technology, and the Valais-based electric system and battery storage provider, join forces to certify the world’s first electric commuter airplane.
Harbour Air, North America’s largest seaplane airline, magniX, the company powering the electric aviation revolution, and H55, the Solar Impulse spin-off producing highly efficient certified battery packs, have announced a partnership to certify the world’s first electric Beaver (eBeaver) commuter airplane.
The companies will collaborate together with Transport Canada to certify the installation of the magniX electric propulsion unit and the H55 enhanced battery system, transforming Harbour Air’s seaplanes into an all-electric commercial fleet.
After the successful first flight of the Harbour Air eBeaver powered by magniX in December 2019 and the ongoing flight tests since then, H55 will provide its proven modular battery technology to expand the eBeaver’s balance to weight ratio and endurance.
The Valais-based company’s battery modules have one of the highest energy densities on the market and will provide the entire energy storage system and redundant battery monitoring at the cell level for the eBeaver.
“I believe that H55 is the leading company in aviation battery solutions,” says Greg McDougall, CEO of Harbour Air. “Having them as partners in the ePlane development means that we will be able to lead the global push for electric aviation.”
Founded in 2017, H55 provides certified electric propulsion system and battery pack solutions that enable aircraft manufacturers to develop new aircraft designs such as VTOL and e-Commuter. The partnership with Harbour Air and Magnix is yet another step in the development of the start-up based at the Energypolis campus.