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BioAlps, Western Switzerland’s life sciences cluster

Why Switzerland

BioAlps, the life sciences cluster of Western Switzerland, offers a dynamic network, an innovative and supportive environment and direct access to the region's vibrant life sciences ecosystem. The BioAlps region, often dubbed the “Health Valley”, boasts a vibrant and thriving ecosystem of research institutions, academic institutions, start-ups, and large multinational companies. | © BioAlps

BioAlps, the life sciences cluster of Western Switzerland, offers a dynamic network, an innovative and supportive environment and direct access to the region’s vibrant life sciences ecosystem.

Launched in 2001 by the academic and research institutions of Western Switzerland and registered as an association in 2003, BioAlps aims to promote Western Switzerland as a world-class center for life sciences innovation. The cluster fosters growth by creating synergies between academia, entrepreneurs, investors, public authorities and new companies. BioAlps offers a wide range of networking and support opportunities through regional, national or international BioAlps events and numerous other life sciences events in the region.

What does BioAlps offer?

BioAlps is the gateway to innovation and life sciences in Western Switzerland. The cluster supports the entire ecosystem by facilitating communication, organizing events and providing personal introductions between different players. With services divided into three pillars – communication, events and personal introductions – BioAlps ensures that opportunities and news related to the players in the region are known and accessible.

Acting as a microphone for the region, BioAlps ensures that news and opportunities are accessible to everyone in the region and beyond. This communication effort helps to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.

BioAlps also plays a crucial role in organizing, co-organizing and contributing to events that maximize visibility and create opportunities for connections and partnerships. Notable events include the “Inside” series of company visits, “Deep Dive” thematic events and the annual BioAlps Networking Day, which brings together some 300 ecosystem stakeholders. These events facilitate networking and collaboration to drive innovation in the life sciences sector.

In addition, BioAlps facilitates personalized introductions between companies and research or technology partners, connecting them with the right people. This customized matchmaking service helps create valuable connections that can lead to significant advances and collaborations within the life sciences community.

An incubator of talent and innovative technologies

BioAlps works to enhance the reputation of Western Switzerland as a center of excellence in the life sciences by promoting collaboration and innovation. The BioAlps Award, for example, honors an individual and a company in the life sciences sector and recognizes those who have made a significant contribution to the international reputation of Western Switzerland in this field.

BioAlps provides a supportive environment for life sciences innovation, facilitating the growth of start-ups and the development of new technologies. The cluster’s network includes approximately 1,400 affiliated members from various organizations related to life sciences innovation in the region. Members benefit from BioAlps’ services, including access to networking opportunities and support pathways tailored to their needs.

BioAlps plays a crucial role in promoting innovation and economic growth in Western Switzerland. By providing a structured and coordinated approach to the promotion of life sciences, BioAlps lowers the barriers for non-specialists, enhances the capabilities of experienced professionals and accelerates research and development in various fields.

BioAlps is supported by the cantons Western Switzerland and, since 2008, by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Learn more about BioAlps