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Innosuisse’s research and innovation support offers will evolve in 2023

Business environment

29 November 2022

The revised Federal Act on the Promotion of Research and Innovation, by which Innosuisse is governed, will enter into force in 2023. Several support offers will be modified and a new offer for start-ups will be introduced.

Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency, aims to encourage innovative, science-based projects through their funding program. These innovation projects are implemented by companies and other private or public organizations, such as SMEs, large companies, start-ups, associations, or NGOs, in collaboration with research institutes. The development of these new services and products contributes to a flourishing and sustainable economy in Switzerland.

Therefore, Innosuisse offers various support offers tailored to each need. Thereby, the agency supports national projects and projects in collaboration with international partners, accompanies start-ups with training or coaching programs, and offers project setup and networking assistance.

Review of the act: what will change in 2023?

The Federal Act on the Promotion of Research and Innovation (RIPA), by which Innosuisse is governed, will be revised as of January 1, 2023. The revision concerns several supporting offers and allows more flexibility in the contributions’ distribution. Here are the changes that will enter into force:

  • Innovation projects: Innosuisse’s support to companies and other development partners will be in the range of 40-60% of direct project costs. Previously, these costs were shared equally.
  • International innovation projects: Swiss implementation partners, such as SMEs or start-ups, will be able to receive direct funding within the framework of bilateral international innovation projects.
  • Start-up innovation projects: Swiss start-ups will benefit from a new support offer with direct funding of their innovation project before they enter the market (contribution of a maximum of 70% of the costs). Previously, they were not entitled to any direct financial support.
  • Start-up coaching: until now, start-ups could apply directly for Core Coaching. From now on, they will have to have followed the Initial Coaching before participating in the Core Coaching, to improve the quality of the coaching.

This revision allows for greater flexibility in Innosuisse’s contribution and enables the promotion of more attractive projects with high innovation potential. The new offer dedicated to start-ups should allow accelerating the market launch of new products and services.

Find here all the detailed information concerning the RIPA’s changes.