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Where to play: a practical guide for running your tech business


6 February 2019

The world’s leading researcher in entrepreneurship and EPFL Vice-President for Innovation, Marc Gruber, along with co-author Sharon Tal, have written the book “Where to play”, a practical strategy that guides entrepreneurs, even established ones, through important decision-making in the business landscape. Think about Uber – they are not only a company that exploits the personal […]

The world’s leading researcher in entrepreneurship and EPFL Vice-President for Innovation, Marc Gruber, along with co-author Sharon Tal, have written the book “Where to play”, a practical strategy that guides entrepreneurs, even established ones, through important decision-making in the business landscape.

Think about Uber – they are not only a company that exploits the personal transport market but also identified further growth options in flower delivery, food delivery – and could virtually transport anything, thereby also competing with Fedex and other courier services. But why are this and other companies so good in identifying and exploiting new market opportunities?

Building on over 15 years of rigorous research and practical experience, the recent book “Where to Play: 3 Steps for Discovering your Most Valuable Market Opportunities” by Marc Gruber and Sharon Tal provides a compelling answer to this all-important question. It introduces an easy-to-apply framework that helps managers and entrepreneurs in identifying new growth options and exploiting them: the Market Opportunity Navigator. In three steps, one can learn how to become an expert in opportunity identification, how to evaluate the identified opportunities, and how to smartly focus on the most promising opportunity/-ies. The framework’s approach is plug-and-play with other well-known business tools such as the Business Model Canvas, Design Thinking and the Lean Startup approach.

“Where to play” is available in English, French and German. More information (including the freely available worksheets and support material) can be found at