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Predictive analytics start-up Kido Dynamics raises EUR 1.9 million


30 November 2021

Kido Dynamics, an EPFL spin-off that helps multiple industries and public institutions to understand and predict people’s mobility, has secured EUR 1.9 million.

An EPFL spin-off founded in 2018, Kido Dynamics has developed a fully GDPR compliance software that analyzes and measures geo-analytics information from telecom network data.

With the support of Spicehaus Partners through its Spicehaus Swiss Venture Fund and strategic investors such as B4Motion Labs and Boundary Holding, Kido Dynamics has raised EUR 1.9 million. The funds will be used by the start-up to consolidate its global position, which encompasses clients in 12 countries worldwide, and its analytics capabilities, which currently covers more than 100 billion events and close to 2 billion trips daily.

“The prediction and analysis of people’s behavior is one of the most complex analytical challenges. Covid-19 has affected the way we move, plan our holidays, or buy groceries. Businesses and public authorities are aiming to understand current mobility patterns and have an inherent need to predict future mobility reasons. Mobile phone data represents the most accurate and massive data set available to ease this challenging decision-making process,” explains Ignacio Barrios, CEO of Kido Dynamics. “Aspects such as CO2 reduction, aging population or accessibility represent all current challenges that affect our day to day lives and need to be addressed with reliable data”.

Attracting attention and rapidly expanding

Apart from being awarded recently with Innosuisse Certificate, Kido’s latest work on Covid monitoring has attracted a new European Commission grant (COVID-X) with the objective to develop a continuous monitoring system, merging genomic and mobility data.

The company based in Lausanne (canton of Vaud) has recently released its platform in Portugal with Altice, the country’s largest telecom service provider, and it is in advanced stages of development with telecom operator, Claro, in Brazil and Chile. The start-up is also collaborating with Ooredoo and other local authorities in Qatar to provide real time solutions for the FIFA World Cup 2022.