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The Neuchâtel industrial ecosystem mapped through artificial intelligence

Business environment

5 June 2023

The canton of Neuchâtel has unveiled an innovative tool to energize its industrial ecosystem, an interactive map powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

The tool was born out of a public-private partnership between Enovating SA, the Neuchâtel Service of the Economy (NECO), and CSEM, with the support of the Regional Policy (NPR). Initially designed for the interactive visualization of medtech companies, the promising results of the pilot project led to its expansion to other exporting sectors, thereby enhancing the skills of industrial companies on a single platform.

Companies are positioned on the platform along four dimensions: markets, skills, products, and services. This interactive map illustrates the positioning of companies in their value chain, thus facilitating connections between industrialists and highlighting unique skills.

Alain Ribaux, State Councilor in charge of the economy, explains that the platform provides an innovative tool for territorial marketing for the NECO, showcasing the canton’s assets abroad and promoting collaboration among its players.

The deployment of AI in the implementation of this platform is a three-phase process. First, intelligent robots collect data on the web. Then, dedicated algorithms automatically extract structured information to create a taxonomy specific to the Neuchâtel ecosystem. Finally, the system identifies links between different information sources to establish a ranking. The platform takes into account how companies communicate, allowing them to digitally construct this dynamic visualization of the canton’s industrial ecosystem.

Aldous Zaugg, CEO of Enovating SA, emphasizes the importance of AI in this process. Thanks to machine learning and deep learning, a unique three-phase iterative process was developed, optimized, and energized.

Boosting growth and innovation in the canton of Neuchâtel

The initiative of the canton of Neuchâtel is in line with its economic development strategy, placing innovation at the heart of its vision for the future. This initiative illustrates its ambition to be at the forefront of new technologies in an increasingly digitized world, and to generate added value through collaborative approaches between innovative entities.

The platform is accessible to the public on the website: By shedding new light on the canton’s industrial capacities, the tool promises to boost growth and innovation in the Neuchâtel region.