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The Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne is officially open

Business environment

31 August 2021

The Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne, which specializes in industrial production, health and energy technologies, has officially opened its doors.

Two years after the laying of the foundation stone, the Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne (SIPBB) building has been officially inaugurated. The five-story, CHF 60 million building in the heart of the city of Biel (canton of Bern) houses international and national projects in the areas of Industry 4.0, digitalization, and health technologies.

Several hundred people will study and conduct research in laboratories, offices and workshops in the 15,500 square meter building. The SIPBB, which is designed for applied research and development in the industrial sector, brings together research, education and business.

A landmark in the Swiss innovation landscape

This entity is the result of a public-private partnership and offers Switzerland its first test and demonstration factory in the field of Industry 4.0 with the Swiss Smart Factory. The promoters want to activate the transformation of research results into marketable products.

“This research facility is already considered a landmark in Switzerland’s innovation landscape,” said Bern’s State Councillor Christoph Ammann. For the Director of the Economy, Energy and the Environment, this business location constitutes a bridge between the French and German-speaking parts of Switzerland.