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Two pilots to test Tune Insight secure health collaborations


9 March 2022

Cybersecurity start-up Tune Insight has announced a collaboration with SPHN and university hospitals for two pilot projects relating to secure data collaborations in oncology.

Based at the EPFL Innovation Park, Tune Insight is a cybersecurity start-up developing secure computing solutions for sensitive and confidential data. The start-up provides a platform for secure collaborations on sensitive or confidential data between multiple organizations across all verticals, including financial services, insurances or cybersecurity. Additionally, Tune Insight provides full-stack solutions for specific applications, such as healthcare, for arguably the most sensitive type of data, health data.

The start-up formerly incubated at the EPFL Laboratory for Data Security in Lausanne (canton of Vaud), has announced a collaboration with SPHN (Swiss Personalized Health Network) and Swiss university hospitals for two pilot projects relating to secure data collaborations in oncology and in the generation of accurate reference values for personalized medicine.

The first deployment will evaluate feasibility for data collaborations between Swiss hospitals using two cancer data cohorts from the university hospitals of Lausanne, Geneva and Zürich, in conjunction with the SPHN-funded Swiss Personalized Oncology Project (SPO).

The second pilot project will evaluate feasibility for generating accurate reference ranges starting with laboratory data from the university hospitals of Lausanne and Bern, the Kinderspital Zürich and the Paraplegic Center in Nottwil, in conjunction with the SPHN-funded Swiss BioRef project.

World-class data privacy

Prof. Olivier Michielin, Head of the Precision Oncology Center at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV, asserts that “Tune Insight’s solution is a perfect fit for multi-site and cross-jurisdiction medical analyses where data security and privacy is paramount. I have personally witnessed the development of their platform since its inception in 2016, when it was an academic project between the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). They have proven to be world-class and highly reliable when addressing the data privacy and security challenges towards personalized medicine in oncology, and I trust that their response to these challenges fully aligns with the needs of larger datasets for improved treatments in other domains.”